Temporary Guidelines For Covid-19 Prevention To People Coming To Da Nang

Da Nang People’s Committee has released the document 6900/UBND-KGVX on 12 Octorber about the temporary guidelines for Covid-19 prevention, applied to people visiting Da Nang or coming back to Da Nang from other localities.

1. Before coming to Da Nang, people are required to fill in health declaration on Danang Smart City phone applications or on website https://khaibaoyte.danang.gov.vn, then save the granted QR code and present it when being requested.

2. People coming to Da Nang from localities affected by Covid-19 must meet these requirements:

– Have a negative result for SARS-CoV-2 within 72 hours before coming to Da Nang;

– For people who are fully vaccinated after at least 14 days or have recovered from Covid-19: Self-quarantine at home in 7 days, having a quick test or PRC test for Covid-19 on the first day and PRC test on the 7th day;

– For people who are not vaccinated or 1-dose vaccinated or fully vaccinated within the past 14 days: Self-quarantine at home in 14 days.

– People coming to Da Nang must pay for Covid-test.

3. People coming to Da Nang from localities not affected by Covid-19 must follow these requirements:

– Have a negative result for SARS-CoV-2 within 72 hours before coming to Da Nang.

Particularly for people living in Da Nang city, Quang Nam province must regularly travel between the two localities, these requirements are required when coming to Da Nang:

– Test result for Covid-19 is not required;

– Must have Identification Card/ Residence Card with the address in Da Nang or Quang Nam/ or a written-approval by local government on the regular travel between two localities;

– Must have health declaration with the commitment not to have been in other localities within the past 14 days. Must travel on a fixed route, minimize contact with the community and comply with the 5K regulations of the Ministry of Health.

4. All people coming to Da Nang must comply with Covid-19 prevention measurement:

– Practice strictly 5K regulations of the Ministry of Health, always wear mask, do not stop at epidemic areas, regularly disinfect hands, limit contact, talk, do not gather in crowds, ensure a safe distance during travel, work and daily activities; and comply with other current regulations on epidemic prevention and control of the city.

– When having symptoms of suspected COVID-19 (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss or loss of taste, smell, etc.), not allow to treat themselves but have to report to a medical center for the appropriate medical advice, examination and intervention.

Chi Giao - danangfantasticity.com